Flexible Spaces for Hire
The Church

The Church is available for hire for concerts and events which require a larger space.
York Rooms

These rooms, behind the church, with kitchen and toilet facilities, were opened in 2010. They are used for church meetings, community groups, refreshments after weddings and funerals, our Sunday School and other children's groups and many other activities.
St John's Room

St John's Room, a meeting room attached to the church, was refurbished and redecorated with help from Hazelwood School who provided decorating materials and labour, and we would like to thank them for this significant contribution.
The room is available for hire. It can hold up to 15 people and has a small kitchen attached. We would particularly like to encourage groups that support work with children and youth; groups which create learning opportunities; and groups which provide social environments where people can come together, discuss issues and make new friends.
For all enquiries and to book:
Telephone to 07769 001796, Email: churchrooms@stjhurstgreen.co.uk