Hurst Green Community Fridge:
One of the many blessings Lotwina, as our Curate, has brought to our community is the Hurst Green Community Fridge. Inspired by a need to reduce food waste and to get fresh food to people who can use it, and following a conversation with Chloe Ashton, she pulled together a small group to make this project a reality at Aggies. Now, as you can see, a team of committed volunteers operates the Community Fridge every Wednesday, serving approximately 70 people each week. This wouldn't be possible without the dedication of our fantastic volunteers, as well as those who come to use the Community Fridge and keep it going as a special community space. Some people come to donate food, others to collect, and some just to soak in the atmosphere and connect with others over a cuppa. We celebrated the Community Fridge's first birthday this week, and in many ways it feels like such an important part of the community that it must have been around forever! The Community Fridge is open and free to everyone, so if you haven't visited us yet please do pop by on a Wednesday from 11.15-12.30. Thank you to all our supporters, including Morrisons Oxted, Track 1, One Stop, the Allotment Association, Hurst Green Infant School, Pollards Oak shops, and Surrey County Council.