
Baptisms are normally associated with babies and small children but, as an adult starting to explore the Christian faith, you may realise you were not baptised as a child and are keen to do so to affirm your faith in God and intention to follow the way of Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit. What is described on this page is more relevant to the baptism of babies and children but please contact us whatever your age.
A Baptism or Christening is a joyful day to say thank you to God for your child as they are welcomed into the family of the church and begin an amazing journey of faith walking with Jesus. Over the years to come, it’s a journey you’ll share by:
Being there for your child to talk to about the bigger questions of life
Praying for your child through the ups and downs of their journey.
Showing them how to make good choices in life.
Helping them to learn more about their Christian faith
If I don't come to church can I still have my child baptised?
Yes. The Church believes that God’s love is available to all. You might prefer to have a 'service of thanksgiving' first and then consider baptism once you have had time to understand it more fully. Your priest can help you decide.
How do I choose godparents?
The usual number is three and they should be people who:
Will be there for your child to talk about the big questions in life.
Help them to develop their spiritual lives and come to know God.
Encourage them to belong to their local church.
When do baptism services take place?
Either on a Sunday during the 9.30am Parish Eucharist or 11am Cafe Church, when the wider church community are present to welcome the child into the church family; or at another time when family and friends form the congregation.
If you would like to discuss having a baptism or service of thanksgiving, please contact the Parish Office