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Families at St John's 


Bubble Church is coming to St John's Church on Sunday 27th April at 9am


Bubble church invite 1

Church for Little Ones:

Bubble Church is a puppet packed, Jesus centred, coffee-and-food-fuelled, 30 minute kids and families adventure. Come to St John's (from 8.45am) for coffee and food and then you will be guided to your bubble at 9am where you and your little ones will share in song, stories, puppets and prayer.

You can let us know that you are coming, email: or turn up on the day.

All Age Services: 




On the first Sunday of the Month at 9.45am we have a family friendly service. The service includes and involves the children and embraces their energy and enthusiasm. There is usually a craft or activity to follow the bible story and refreshments at the end. The service includes Holy Communion and lasts for about an hour. Everyone is welcome. 

YoYos Playgroup: 

Every Wednesday (during term time) 9.15 to 11.15am in the York Rooms at St John's.
It's a very friendly and welcoming group for babies through to preschool children and their parents and carers. 
Come along and enjoy lots of things to play, a craft table, plus coffee and cake and healthy snacks for the children. Then at the end of the morning there is singing time together.  There a voluntary contribution of £1 per family.

To keep up to date with news about Yo Yos, follow our Facebook page 

Monthly Families Newsletter: 

If you would like to receive our Monthly Families Newsletter with details of news, services and events specific to our families and children, then please sign up here or contact the church office:

Planning your Visit