
St John’s is a truly all-age community. We have a thriving fellowship of those in retirement age. Not that there’s any retirement at St John’s, with the senior members of our congregation amongst the most active in the church, and we delight in the contribution which so many make to many areas of our work.
Fortnightly Coffee Mornings:
We are delighted to be able to reinstate our fortnightly coffee mornings at St John’s following a very long break during the coronavirus pandemic. We look forward to welcoming our previous ‘regulars’ and would be very pleased to see some new faces too. Our get-togethers are primarily (but not exclusively) aimed at those who live alone and are a great way to make new friends and catch up on local news. It could be a good way to start venturing out again after a long time of restrictions. We serve ‘real’ coffee and tea with biscuits (and occasionally cake if we’re lucky!) in convivial surroundings. If you need a lift to get there please phone Barbara on 715636.