Recent Events
Quiz Night - February 2025:

It was lovely to see the church transformed for the quiz night on Saturday 22 February. We lost one team who had to cancel at the last moment but still had eleven teams, consisting of church members and others who responded to the Hurst Green News advert, who came to try their luck on the night. After eight rounds of tricky questions and two table picture rounds, the final scores gave us the winners - congratulations to the team headed by Lucy Evans!
I have had many messages from those who took part saying how much they had enjoyed the evening. So thanks go to all those who helped make the evening such a success. Friends Roger and Carolle Stent came to help with asking the questions, scoring duties and selling raffle tickets, and Pearl Stephens and her team gave us a wonderful supper of jacket potatoes and toppings for an early half time meal. We then finished off with choc ices before launching into the Music round!
Many thanks to everyone who helped clear up and restore the church to order ready for Sunday morning. It was a fun and friendly evening and although the final profit has yet to be confirmed, hopefully we raised somewhere in the region £1300 for church funds.
Talk By the Friends of River Eden Ecosystem (FREE) - October 2024:
The church ecogroup hosted a talk from the Friends of the River Eden Ecosystem (FREE)on Thursday 24 October which was very well attended and there was a great deal of interest and questions to the speaker, Jacqueline Hill. For those who missed the talk, or for those who attended and would like to view the material again, Jacqueline has kindly provided us with
her slides used in her talk.
Bring and Share Picnic - September 2024:
Lunch after our September All Age service in the vicarage garden was very relaxed in the sunshine.
The Licensing Service of the Reverend Sue Bosley- Tuesday 30th January 2024:
On Tuesday 30th January 2024 Reverend Sue Bosley was Licensed as Team Vicar of the Parishes of Hurst Green and Crowhurst in the Oxted Team Ministry. Thank you to all who helped make the licensing service such a success.

St John's Autumn Fair - Saturday 11th November:
The Autumn Fair on Saturday 11 November raised £1,400 to go towards community based projects. Over 150 people attended and were able to buy beautiful home made crafts from local people such as cards, pottery, embroidery, jewellery, silk paintings, decoupage, knitted products and lots more. Tea and home made cake plus a raffle with amazing prizes which had been donated by local shops and businesses, all contributed to a marvellous day. There was a wonderful face painter for the children and Creative Community kindly hosted a peg doll making workshop. It was a lovely community event which we hope to repeat next year. Many thanks to all involved who worked so hard to make the day such a success.
Community Fridge First Birthday - July 2023
One of the many blessings Lotwina, as our Curate, has brought to our community is the Hurst Green Community Fridge. Inspired by a need to reduce food waste and to get fresh food to people who can use it, and following a conversation with Chloe Ashton, she pulled together a small group to make this project a reality at Aggies. Now, as you can see, a team of committed volunteers operates the Community Fridge every Wednesday, serving approximately 70 people each week. This wouldn't be possible without the dedication of our fantastic volunteers, as well as those who come to use the Community Fridge and keep it going as a special community space. Some people come to donate food, others to collect, and some just to soak in the atmosphere and connect with others over a cuppa. We celebrated the Community Fridge's first birthday this week, and in many ways it feels like such an important part of the community that it must have been around forever! The Community Fridge is open and free to everyone, so if you haven't visited us yet please do pop by on a Wednesday from 11.15-12.30. Thank you to all our supporters, including Morrisons Oxted, Track 1, One Stop, the Allotment Association, Hurst Green Infant School, Pollards Oak shops, and Surrey County Council.

Hilary and Friends Musical Evening - July 2023
Around 50 people enjoyed an evening of music last week which included a variety of musicians and instruments (piano, voice, flute, piccolo, percussion, trombone and saxophone) as well as a broad range of music styles including art songs, jazz, classical, rock and musical theatre. Final figures not yet available but over £500 has been raised which will be put towards our Crossing the Threshold project. A big thank you to Hilary Dilnot who put the event together and whose hard work made it such a success.

Scones and Sing for the King - May 2023:
A relaxed family sing-a-long to celebrate King Charles III Coronation.

Hurst Green Coronation Celebration - May 2023:
An afternoon of community togetherness with light refreshments, creative and craft workshops, planting sunflowers and volunteering (litter picking).

Coat of Hopes - September 2022

Official Launch Hurst Green Community Fridge - July 2022
Wednesdays official launch of our Community Fridge at Aggies was a joyous occasion. Our Mayor Jackie Wren and Councillor Cameron Mackintosh came together to declare our community fridge officially open. We served tea, coffee and cake to everyone who came creating a lovely atmosphere where people could chat, make friends and relax. This was especially welcome after the isolation of covid.
Some brought food from their allotments and gardens that they had grown. Others brought items from their grocery shop or store cupboards and homemade chutneys and jams. The supermarkets were very generous in giving us stock that had not been sold. All who came were welcome to take from our Community Fridge or simply have a cup of tea and a chat or both.
The ethos of our Fridge is to combat food waste, help the environment, feed those in need, and share what we have. We are inspired by Jesus who showed us generosity, love and concern when he fed the 5000 all for free.
If you would like to help be involved then please email Reverend Lotwina Farodoye on We could always do with help setting up tables etc, collecting food, clearing away afterwards, chatting to guests and making tea, baking cakes.
Hope to see you every Wednesday at Aggies on the Green from 11am to 12.30pm. If you are dropping off supplies, please come at 10.30am on a Wednesday to Aggies
Queen's Platinum Jubilee - June 2022
We marked the Queen's Platinum Jubilee with an All Age Celebration Service and Platiunum Praise sing-along concert.