Grow Faith

Whatever stage on our journey of life and faith, we should never feel we have arrived. For all of us that will come in the fullness of time when we reach our heavenly home.
In this life, there is always more to learn and discover and a place for the small seed of faith and once sown to go deeper and take root and for our branches of Christian hope and love to reach wider and higher.
If you feel you are near the start of your journey of faith in God, following Jesus with the help of his Holy Spirit you may like to talk to someone and perhaps begin to pray. Our Caring for you page will give you some pointers.
If you are ready to come to a service for the first time, or return to church after a long break, Services page could help you make the first tentative step.
If you have had a child and now find you are interested to join in with a church community to get to know others and to help nurture your faith and that of your child, then please consider joining in with a service or activity particularly with children in mind. You may even be ready to consider baptism.
Or if you feel you wish to deepen your faith and commitment to God, then do look at the many ways you can join in the life of the church community at St George's and if you're not yet confirmed do consider if that is the next step for you.
Wherever you are on your journey Jesus welcomes you with open arms and St John's does too, in his name. To talk more contact The Parish Office